It’s been a long time…

Its been a long time since I have posted here, its been a odd year for all of us. My year was in no way as bad as most. Since we spoke last I am still unemployed (sorta) I have become a school teacher to my grandson. It’s a lot harder then it sounds, what the fuck is “new math”.

I have been to Mexico 4 more times since my last posting here and had to deal with a over sugared 11 year old and Hurricane Delta the hurricane was easier.

Last time we were in Mexico we took the all the kids and they didn’t spend as much time outside as I thought they would. Getting in and out of Mexico was easy the first 3 times but the 4th time it was starting to get back to normal “dam tourists”.

Its now been months since I posted and I started this post 2 trips ago, not sure why I just didn’t feel like writing.