One day in Venice

One of the days I spent in Venice it was a little cold and the girls started drinking some “hot wine” early in the day . So I had a glass or 2 of wine, after a few hours of walking around I was about a bottle or 2 into the wine drinking “experience”. One of the things I was trying to do on this vacation was forget about work and home and enjoy the trip so that’s the reason for this post.

I was walking around in St. Marks Basilica in Italy on a great day drinking wine and I should be enjoying the moment….and I did.

WordPress Europe Test

So one of the things I wanted to test with the WordPress hosting of sites is how fast sites would load outside the United States. The sites loaded a lot faster then I saw with other hosting company’s and the interface with WP on a slower internet connection seemed to be fine. I was impressed and had no problems at all, another reason to move more sites to WP in the future.